
Week of Sept.29-Oct.3, 2008

Hello parents!
We are all finally back on line and settling back into our routine after the hurricane. I hope all is well with you and your families. Since I was not able to send a note home last week I am posting items here in the blog:
This week we are exploring our 5 senses: hearing, taste, smell, touch, sight. The letter "Cc" as well as shape recognition, later this week I will send home shape cards and they are yours to keep please review these things with your child daily. We are also working on number and letter recognition, which will be on going throughout the year. Please count with your child everyday and talk to them about what is going on in class on a daily basis.

Popcorn words are words we see and use everyday in class the popcorn word for this week is "the" your child should be able to recognize and spell this word by the end of the week.
Please be mindful of the following information:

The homework calendar is set by HISD Early Childhood department and should be followed at home. I will send home family activities twice a week for you to work on with your child. In addition to the activities on the calendar, please practice reading and writing with your child on a daily basis.

Please remind your child on a daily basis that he/she represents you when they are at school. Remind them of the classroom rules, consequences and rewards of the classroom.

Snacks should be brought in once a month and enough to share with the entire class (23 students). ~~~~Thanks to those of you who have contributed already!

The first field trip has been scheduled for October 30, 2008 to the Oil Ranch. If you plan on going as a parent chaperone, you MUST complete a background check no later than October 3, 2008. Permission slips were sent home on Monday September 29 and the deadline for permission slips and money is Monday October 27. The cost of the field trip is $10.00~~cash only.

Folders are sent home daily except Friday and should be returned on a daily basis.

If you would like to have birthday parties for your child at school please give me a 24-48 hour notice and we will set aside time for that during the last half hour of the school day.

Uniforms are to be worn daily with shirts tucked in. Please show your child how to tuck in her/his shirt.

Should you have any questions, comments or concerns please do not hesitate to make contact with me via email: sstephe4@houstonisd.org or 713-773-6151. I am available for conferencing from 11:25-12:10 daily.


Week of September 8, 2008

Hello parents!
It's week 3 already!!
We are working on the following for this week:
shape recognition
positional words
oral directions
listening skills
saftey and classroom rules
weather and seasonal changes



week of September 2, 2008

September 2, 2008
Dear parents
Can you believe we are already in the second week of school? Time flies and we are having fun! This week we are still working on learning the rules and expectations. We are working on the letter “A” please work with your child on recognizing and writing the letter “A.” We are also introducing the number “0” as well as the color red. An on going theme for the year will be environmental print. Please encourage your student to look for signs and letters he/she knows at home and when you are out running errands. Make every moment a learning moment.
Beginning this week you will notice your child will have homework everyday except Friday. I am also sending home a conduct sheet for you to review daily and sign. These items will be found in the orange folder and need to return to school daily.
Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at 713-773-6157 or sstephe4@houstonisd.org.
Thank you,
Ms. Stephens